It understeers, but also drifts at the same time. The Cappuccino ended up becoming a Joke Car after loads of nerfing in 7AAX.However, it was also the lightest and fastest, and once mastered, can beat every single car in the game in terms of setting fast times. The Suzuki Cappuccino is one of the most difficult cars in the game to master, with one of the worst acceleration in the game, and it oversteers like crazy.Whether you win or not, the credits will roll afterwards. He challenges you to a free battle only if you have cleared all rivals in one loop of Legend Of The Streets mode. In Initial D 7AAX, Shinji Inui takes the place of Takumi for this trope.Disc-One Final Boss: Takumi, in almost every single Arcade Stage installment.As a result, each successive version from 4 onwards feels like playing a completely different game rather than an incremental installment. The series itself exhibits this as well, with changes between versions ranging from slight differences in car handling, completely new physics engines, and even the location of the physical shift knob on the cabinet.

Break your win streak and it reverts back to white. If you have the second-to-best aura, a white aura, and get enough consecutive wins, you'll earn a rainbow aura. Battle Aura: Get enough wins and you'll get one, with the color changing as you get more wins.