Sanidad interior pdf
Sanidad interior pdf

sanidad interior pdf

The trap lid has a plastic support to hold the diffuser in place. At the base of the trap can be placed any substance capable of killing or retaining the captured insects inside, such as olive oil. The yellow truncated base of the trap has 4 perpendicular openings which allow the insects to enter easily but which prevent rainwater from entering. It has an average lifespan of 6 to 7 years. The trap is made of a plastic polymer that does not emit odours when heated by the sun and can withstand ultraviolet rays. The Venturi Effect produces a rising current of warm air though the overhead nozzle that expands the attractant inside the trap. The EOSTRAP ® is a trap made of easily-adjustable parts with natural refrigeration, aerial ventilation and diffusion of insect attractants by means of the Venturi Effect. Due to the trap’s structure and its highly resistant component parts they can be operational for up to 7 years.ĬROSSTRAP ® WITH WET COLLECTION CUP (Code: TA227)ĬROSSTRAP ® WITH DRY COLLECTION CUP (Code: TA132)ĬROSSTRAP ® MINI WITH WET COLLECTION CUP (Code: TA226)ĬROSSTRAP ® MINI WITH DRY COLLECTION CUP (Code: TA204)

sanidad interior pdf

The traps are activated by placing attractants into the sheet holes. Recent experiences has shown that this trap have greater effectiveness in capturing Tomicus spp and other bark beetles. When folded up it measures 30 cm in diameter and 40 cm in height. The CROSSTRAP ® MINI trap measures 33 cm in diameter by 100 cm in height. Once deployed, the CROSSTRAP ® trap measures 33 cm in diameter by 146 cm in height. The traps can be used with two types of collection cup: for wet captures (CROSSTRAP ® WET COLLECTION CUP Code: TA156) and for dry or live captures (CROSSTRAP ® DRY COLLECTION CUP Code: TA157). The sheets, the funnel and the collection cup have been treated with a slippery product which greatly increases the number of insects captured. The collection cup for the captured insects is in the lower section of the funnel and is attached to the funnel with screws. Two reinforced PVC sheets are held in place in the lid’s upper section by four springs and in the lower section by a polypropylene funnel 30 cm in diameter, also held in place by four springs.

sanidad interior pdf

The traps consists of a polypropylene lid 33 cm in diameter with an applicator in the middle attached by a spring. They was developed as part of a Research and Development project between the University of Murcia & ECONEX whose aim was the development of traps and attractants for forest pests. The CROSSTRAP ®and CROSSTRAP ® MINI traps are a last generation forest traps. Agricultural and forests pest monitoring service.

sanidad interior pdf

  • Use of pheromones, attractants and traps.
  • Organic pest management with pheromones and traps.
  • Technological Capacity and Specialisation.
  • R&D+I, Research, Development and Innovation.
  • Presentation, Philosophy and Objectives.

  • Sanidad interior pdf